
When cats die we move them off the /catbio page to this category because many of our supporters want to still access the pages and leave tributes to the cats in the comments.



Babycakes the African Genet Babycakes arrived in 2000 and was thought to be about 5 years old at the time.  He died 10/28/18 after having lived roughly three times longer than genet’s usually do. Approx Date of Birth: 4/1/1995 Rescued November 1, 2000 Babycakes, the Genet Arrives November 1, 2000 the SPCA in Largo called…


  Skipper Male Canada lynxAppx. 1/1/07 Died 9/30/18Rescued 5/5/13   Skipper’s age is unknown. He had been purchased along with Gilligan at an auction before being rescued years later by Big Cat Rescue.   Skipper had the largest cage measuring about 5′ x 30′. He had a small plastic dog house and a plastic shelf…


Mac Male Cougar9/2/96 – 9/13/18Rescued 1/9/98   Mac was brought here by his owner to be boarded because of zoning laws changing in his owner’s home town, but that was many years ago. He now has a permanent home at Big Cat Rescue and enjoys a 1200 square foot lush Cat.a.tat with a large cave…



Tonga Male White Serval5/21/97 – 8/23/18 To our knowledge, only two white servals exist in the world:  Tonga and his brother Pharaoh.  The white coat is just the outward indication of the deleterious effects of inbreeding.  Tonga was 15 years old when he was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. Although most arise without antecedent cause, in many species,…



Andy Tiger M (N)  DOB 6/5/04 (other paperwork says he was born in 1999 and 2001 so no way to know for sure) Rescued November 2016 Died 8/16/18  I’m very sad to report that what Dr. Justin Boorstein found, and confirmed with Dr Liz Wynn, is that Andy Tiger has a mass, bigger than his heart,…

Arthur the Tiger

Arthur the Tiger

Arthur Male Tiger Born 1/1/96 Died 8/7/18 Rescued 9/28/11 Arthur is social with his keepers, however he keeps his guard up at times. He settled in soon enough as it is hard to resist the charm of the volunteers who bring treats to their newest charges. Arthur loves his brother Andre dearly and the two…

Zeus Tiger

Zeus Tiger

Zeus Male Tiger Born 9/1/96 Arrived 5/28/14  Died 6/5/18 According to JnK volunteers, Zeus was the son of the original female tiger, Kimba. He was bred back to his mother to create the other nine tigers, including Keisha. This is commonly done on purpose to create white tigers, which are the result of severe inbreeding….

Little White Dove

Little White Dove

Female Bobcat 5/19/97 – 4/19/18 Little White Dove Has Crossed Rainbow Bridge Despite having her leg in a cast, Dr. Wynn took her lunch break to come ease Little White Dove to the other side.  A couple weeks ago, when Little White Dove stopped eating we did diagnostics that found her 20 year old kidneys…



Joseph   Male Lion DOB 8/19/98 Rescued 10/21/07 Died 3/1/2018 (euthanized after losing battle w/ pancreatic cancer) Joseph the lion was rescued along with several other lions and tigers who had been bred to be used as photo and ego props.           Your Lion Eyes When a lens luxated due to…



Divinity Female Bobcat5/30/95 – 1/9/18Arrived at Big Cat Rescue 7/6/95 Divinity was sold from a fur farmer to an individual, along with an unrelated mate, Takoma, when she was only a few days old. She was bottle raised for three weeks before the new owner had a heart attack and could no longer care for…