Big Cat Rescue's In Situ Conservation Work

2016 Saving Wild Places for Wild Cats

Click the pins on the map, or the species on the left, to get all of the details!

Research and Articles by Lauren Buckingham

See Current year in situ work at:

See InSitu work from 2017 and before here:

In 2016 Big Cat Rescue donated $50,833.96 to conservation programs in the wild, aiding 24 different cat species.

Mara Cheetah Project

In November 2016 Big Cat Rescue donated to the Mara Cheetah Project to aid in cheetah conservation.

mara cheetah

At present, the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem is one of the two remaining strongholds for the global cheetah population. Whilst in the Serengeti there has been a long-term cheetah project running for over 25 years, surprisingly little is known about the cheetahs in the Greater Mara Ecosystem. As a result the Kenya Wildlife Trust set-up the Mara Cheetah Project in June 2013. Using a research-driven conservation approach the main objectives of the project are to:

mara cheetah

Determine the current and long-term status of the cheetah population

Collect baseline data on cheetah ecology and behaviour

Identify the threats that cheetahs are facing

Develop sustainable solutions to mitigate threats

mara cheetah
mara cheetah 1 no touch

This long-term project will have important implications for cheetah conservation both in Kenya and in the rest of Africa. You can read more about their great work here:

NOTE: The Mara Cheetah Project stood out to us a prime example of how conservation should be done, WITHOUT unnecessary contact with the cats. Dr. Femke Broekhuis, Project Director of the Mara Cheetah Project shared her concerns and opinions on contact with the wild cats -  "In recent months there has been growing concern regarding cheetahs jumping on, and in some cases into, vehicles and people proudly sharing these images on social media. Getting up-close and personal with a wild animal in a wildlife area is risky for both the animal and the people involved. People should avoid posting images on social media of such behaviour as it only creates more of a market for it. If you come across such posts, condemn them rather than commend them".

Read the full article here:

Small Neotropical Wild Cats

Big Cat Rescue donated $1,000 in December 2016 to the team of the Oncilla Project, who are developing previous work, in the fragmented ecosystem of the Interior Atlantic Forest in Brazil. In this habitat live three small Neotropical Wild Cats, the Oncilla, the Margay and the Jaguarundi. These three species are included in the Brazilian and IUCN threatened species list, because of the decline in their habitat and available prey. In the Atlantic Forest habitat these species reside next to farmers who are increasing their land use and colonization which is subsequently changing the ecosystem.

Small Neotropical Wild Cats

The Oncilla project aims to protect the small feline species in a number of ways:

1) By educating people living near the forest areas about the species and their ecosystem diversity.

2) Train students to organize, develop and put into action biodiversity preservation programs.

3) Gaining information on habitats within the ecosystem using GPS collars

4) Encouraging nearby landowners that possess remaining forest spots on their property, to create conservation areas

5) Indicating important ecological spots to environmental authorities in addition to landowners, to create further conservation areas

6) Provide assistance for farmers who develop human-animal conflicts with the small felids over domestic livestock

Flat Headed Cat Project in Borneo

In June of 2016 Big Cat Rescue donated to support the Wildlife Conservation & Ecology Lab at University Malaysia Sarawak, headed by Dr Mohd-Azlan J. Azad, with his project studying Small Borneo Wild Cats.

flat headed cat

There are only five species of cats in Borneo but little is known on their exact occurrence and their habitats are increasingly being reduced for oil palm and other land use. Dr Mohd-Azlan J. Azad and his team have set infra red censored cameras in Ulu Sebuyau National Park in Sarawak, Malaysia to investigate the ecology of, in particular, the Flat-Headed Cat .

This National park has an area totaling 18,287 ha, consisting primarily of peat swamp forest. The National park is currently not open to visitors as it has no infrastructure and is located far from human settlements.

Camera trapping in this protected area started in late 2015, and to date 1314 camera trap photos have recorded Binturong, Banded Linsang, Leopard Cat, Marbled Cat and the rare and Endangered Flat-Headed Cat.

marbled cat

These photographic captures provide new and important information that can be documented about this threatened carnivores occurrences and its habitat preferences to further understand this mysterious and elusive species in the wild.

leopard cat

Read more about the work currently happening here:

Wildcat Walkabout

On October 1st 2016 Big Cat Rescue had our Wildcat Walkabout event, where money raised by admission prices, was donated to 5 worthwhile big cat conservation projects. Each project was devoted to a different cat species; Tigers, Lions, Clouded Leopards, Canada Lynx and Jaguars. The event raised over $11,500! Below are descriptions of each project and links to read more about the organizations we supported.

Tigers: Anti-Tiger Farming/ CITES Conference 2016

tiger farming 2016
tiger farming 2016
tiger farming 2016

Tigers are farmed all across Asia with the intention of using their bones to make wine, and their fur, teeth, claws and organs sold to fuel the black market trade. More than 200 tiger farms exist throughout China, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand housing an estimated 7,000 to 8,000 tigers. Commercial breeding of tigers puts a tremendous strain on wild tiger populations, as products made from wild tigers are more sought after (as the prime product) and impossible to distinguish from products made using captive tigers.

Funds from the Wildcat Walkabout were put towards the educational outreach at the 17th Conference of the Parties to CITES in Johannesburg, South Africa. Big Cat Rescue joined several other Animal Welfare organizations including Born Free at the 12 day conference to highlight and educate attendees about the importance of ending Tiger farming. CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is a treaty between member countries to protect endangered plants and animals. Its aim is to ensure that international trade of specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten the survival of the species in the wild, and accords varying degrees of protection to more than 35,000 species of Animals and Plants. CITES is one of the largest and oldest conservation and sustainable use agreements in existence.

You can read more about the 2016 CITES here:

Bornean Clouded Leopards:

(Oxford University's Wildlife Conservation Research Unit & Borneo Nature Foundation)

clouded leopard project

Sunda clouded leopards are the least known of all small/big cats and have recently been declared a new species. The Bornean tropical forest contains a guild of five felid species: Sunda clouded leopard, bay cat, marbled cat, flat-headed cat and leopard cat . Two are endangered, two threatened, and their presumed primary habitat is rapidly being lost and/or altered in the region. The Bornean Clouded Leopard Project has been ongoing since 2007 and focuses their work in Danum Valley in Malaysian Borneo and the Sabangau forest in Indonesian Borneo. The Program aims to advance understanding and enhance the conservation of the Sunda Clouded Leopard and other threatened Bornean Wild Cats.

clouded leopard project

By building on the foundations of previous wild cat research, this multi-site study will provide vital information that will facilitate the development of effective conservation strategies for Sabah’s wild cats. By focusing on Borneo where the clouded leopard is the top predator, there is an opportunity to form the hub of a clouded leopard conservation network and to make this particularly accessible to Malaysian and Indonesian scientists and conservationists.

Read more about the Borean Clouded Leopard Program here: wild-cats/

Ewaso Lions:

lion project 2016

(Ewaso Lions)

Ewaso Lions conserve Kenya’s lions and other large carnivores by promoting coexistence between people and wildlife. Ewaso Lions uses sound science, education, and capacity building to foster support for conservation and help guide the long-term conservation management of lions in protected areas and on private lands. Ewaso Lions’ research activities focus on understanding the factors that influence human tolerance of large carnivores, and what large carnivores need in order to share the landscape with people. This helps better manage for coexistence, identify areas critical to maintaining connectivity, and focus conservation activities in areas most likely to remain viable for large carnivores in the long-term.

lion project 2016

Read more about the great work done by Ewaso Lions here:

Jaguars of Latin America

jaguar project 2016

(Wildlife Conservation Society)

Wildlife Conservation Society has been a leader on jaguars for three decades. When WCS united with jaguar authorities in Mexico to conduct the first priority-setting exercise for the animal in 1999 they brought together experts from throughout the species' range, establishing a framework for its conservation. That foundation and thirst for a collaborative approach across the region persists today. WCS deploy biologists across multiple biomes to hold ground against the encroaching threats that are eroding jaguar range. Their project aims include:

Working with communities on economic alternatives that use timber and non-timber forest products and tourism to create incentives for forest and wildlife conservation, accompanied by requirements to conserve

Working with the Ministry of Agriculture to support innovations that reduce deforestation and reduce human/jaguar conflict.

jaguar project 2016

Monitoring Jaguar Populations

Advising and supporting protected area law enforcement, including through the implementation of SMART : The Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) is a new and improved tool for measuring, evaluating and improving the effectiveness of wildlife law enforcement patrols and site-based conservation activities. SMART was started by a diverse group of conservation practitioners who understood the needs of front-line enforcement and who recognized the day-to-day difficulties faced by many conservation managers across the world: operating on thinly stretched resources in the face of escalating threats to biodiversity. SMART isn’t owned by any one individual or organization: its free and available to the whole conservation community.

You can read more about their work with Jaguars here: species/jaguars

Canada Lynx Wildlife Corridors

(Rocky Mountain Wild)

Stable wildlife populations require healthy and connected ecosystems. Some species migrate seasonally, others require large territories to hunt, and many – especially predator species – need to be able to move across great distances to maintain the genetic diversity that is key to their survival. Habitat fragmentation is recognized as a primary cause of the decline of species worldwide. Roads and highways,  in particular, fragment habitat, and create barriers to wildlife movement, and often result in animal-vehicle collisions. The goal the Rocky Mountain Wild Habitat Connectivity Campaign is to address habitat fragmentation by protecting key remaining habitat and restoring linkages between core habitat areas.

--A wildlife corridor has been proposed between Vail and Copper Mountain. This corridor connects the Eagles Nest Wilderness to the north and the White River National Forest to the south of Interstate 70 and has been identified as an ecologically significant site both statewide and regionally for wildlife and habitat connectivity. Any current connectivity is severed by interstate 70. To alleviate the barrier effect of the highway in this corridor, a wildlife overpass has been proposed on Vail Pass. If an overpass is built, all of the wildlife species using Vail Pass will benefit from improved access to the habitat across the interstate. Two of nine Canada lynx killed in animal-vehicle collisions in Colorado were on West Vail Pass, indicating that a structure in this corridor will be of great importance to this threatened species.

canada lynx project 2016

In addition Rocky Mountain Wild is implementing a species safety net. Through the use of a wide variety of tactics — from  crafting administrative appeals, to securing Endangered Species Act protection, to organizing land purchases — they aim to advance conservation of specific species while also promoting the tools for effective conservation more generally. In 1999, the Colorado Division of Wildlife began releasing lynx into the rugged terrain of southwestern Colorado as a means of reintroducing this native wildcat across the region. Biologically-speaking, lynx continue to make great strides toward recovery in the Southern Rockies. Over 140 kittens have now been born in the wild, including second-generation kittens born to wild-born lynx. To ensure that reintroduction is successful in the long-term and that lynx can thrive in the region, Rocky Mountain Wild focuses on protecting adequate habitat in the region, especially in Colorado. If loss of key lynx denning habitat, hunting grounds, and linkages between core areas of habitat, continue all prior efforts to restore the Canada Lynx to wild places will have been for nothing.

Read more about their work here:

The Thin Green Line Foundation

In August 2016 Big Cat Rescue donated to the Thin Green Line Foundation. They are partnered with the International Ranger Federation and are the only organizations dedicated to protecting rangers. Every day, park rangers risk their lives to protect wildlife and habitats from poaching and other threats. Sadly, it’s estimated that over 1,000 park rangers have been killed in the line of duty over the past 10 years, 75% by commercial poachers and armed militia groups. The Thin Green Line Foundation provide rangers on the front-line of conservation with essential anti-poaching equipment and training, and financial support to the widows and orphans of park rangers killed in the line of duty. The species they work with include lions, tiger, elephants and Rhino.

thin green line rangers big cat rescue 2016

You can read more about the work done by the Thin Green Line Foundation here:

Sky Island Alliance Ocelots

Ocelot Insitu Project BCR

In July 2016 Big Cat Rescue donated to the Sky Island Alliance, a non profit organization located in Arizona. The Sky Island Alliance started researching ocelots in 2006. In 2009 they documented the first living record of an Ocelot in Arizona and in 2011 they recorded the first evidence of Ocelots breeding in the Sky Islands, with a kitten and mother caught on camera trap film. Sky Island Alliance protects and restores the biodiversity and natural heritage of the Sky Islands using science, education and advocacy to connect the binational landscapes, people and wildlife.

Ocelot Insitu Project BCR

For the past 10 years they have worked to help these elusive and secretive cats stay and thrive. By advocating for Ocelot conservation and promoting greater public understanding they have brought awareness to the importance and benefit of carnivores through Critical Habitat designation; identifying and mapping their best habitat and movement corridors; analyzing motion-activated camera data to determine wild cat activity patterns and behavior; supporting non-invasive wildlife monitoring; and encouraging the designation of new protected areas and privately-owned and managed conservation lands in Sonora, Mexico.

Read more about their work here:

Andean Cat Alliance

Andean Cat Insitu Project

In August 2016 Big CatRescue donated to the Andean Cat Alliance. The Andean cat (Leopardus jacobita) is a small feline found in the high Andes of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru and in the northern portion of the Patagonian steppe in Argentina.

It is one of the least known cats in the world and is considered the most threatened feline in America, being among the five most endangered cats in the world.Though the Andean cat is found across a wide area, its extensive habitat ranges share common characteristics; these include aridity and extreme temperatures, scarce vegetation, heterogeneous geomorphology, and rocky patches in the landscape. Despite what little is known about the Andean cat, it is certain that their habitat is both fragmented and highly fragile. The current distribution of the Andean cat covers four countries—Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, and Chile—an area of significant cultural, social, and economic diversity. Human populations also fluctuate greatly in the regions where the Andean cat is found, this presents a challenge in developing conservation strategies since the attitudes and interactions with the Andean cat vary greatly by locality.

Andean Cat Insitu Project

Research is a fundamental component of the Andean Cat Alliance because it allows them to obtain information about the presence and distribution of the Andean cat. The coordinated work and establishment of a common database, allowed a study of population genetics of Andean cat and the development of a global distribution model for the Andean cat. Through the systematic use of camera traps, they were able to gain information on habitat use, ecology and diet of a species little is know about.

Greater knowledge about the Andean cat has allowed the members of the Andean Cat Alliance to re-assess the conservation status of the species in each country and propose actions for the development of conservation. Read more about their work here:

International Tiger Day July 29, 2016

In celebration of International Tiger Day 2016, Big Cat Rescue and Clemson University Tigers for Tigers teamed up in a fundraising effort to protect tigers in the wild. Clemson University Tigers for Tigers ( is a student-led group dedicated to preserving their mascot through education, research, and service learning on local and global levels. For International Tiger Day on July 29th, Big Cat Rescue and Clemson T4T designed PURR-fect t-shirts with 100% of t-shirt revenue being donated to the International Tiger (ITP). The fundraiser enabled us to send a donation $3350!


The International Tiger Project (ITP) is a not-for-profit project supporting Sumatran tiger conservation, rainforest protection, and local community partnerships. With less than 3,200 tigers left in the wild, projects such as this are essential for their continued existence. In the past century, we have lost 97% of tigers in the wild predominantly due to poaching and habitat loss. This loss has created a dire need for increased monitoring and conservation efforts of tiger species and the areas they inhabit. One major strategy employed by ITP to combat these issues is the use of camera traps to monitor tigers. The location of their work is the Bukit Tigapuluh Reserve, which has been identified as one of the priority landscapes for long-term tiger conservation in Sumatra. A Wildlife Protection Unit (WPU), initiated by ITP, adds additional protection for the tigers with an on-the-ground patrol that works with local communities to see that both tigers and humans remain safe and live in harmony. The WPU also provides employment opportunities for the community, thereby increasing the profile of the Sumatran tiger and its importance in the area.

You can read more about the work done by ITP here:

Jaguarundi on the US/Mexico Borderline

In May 2016 Big Cat Rescue donated to Felidae Conservation Fund in support of a project they are carrying out on the Jaguarundi. The Jaguarundi species distribution in the borderlands of Northern Mexico, Southern Texas and Southern Arizona is currently unknown and there is a debate regarding recent unconfirmed observations and sightings. The last confirmed sighting in the United States was in April 1986 of a road-killed Jaguarundi. This research project will examine Jaguarundi distribution in the US-Mexico Borderlands (National Park Service lands), with the objective to address the gap in information of Jaguarundi presence. The project will examine habitat use in relation to competition with other felid species and habitat loss resulting from human conversion to mixed-use landscapes. The Project will utilize remote camera technology to yield a thorough evaluation of the species’ distribution in the US-Mexico Borderlands to answer the unresolved question of the presence or absence in this area. The project will also utilize Global Positioning System (GPS) collars to determine home range size and habitat use by individuals.

Fishing Cats in Sri Lanka

In June 2016 Big Cat Rescue donated towards an ongoing in situ project by the Fishing Cat Working Group in support of a project in Sri Lanka. The conservation status of fishing cats according to the IUCN Red List Category & criteria is Endangered. Despite being an endangered species, fishing cats in Sri Lanka, and in most parts of Asia, are a poorly studied species. In Sri Lanka they are most commonly seen inhabiting marshes and other wetlands, including in urban areas. However, with rapid urban development taking place, these wetlands are being filled. Therefore, it is now crucial to understand the ecology and behavior of fishing cats in these urban wetlands, and integrate the conservation of these wetland habitats into urban development plans, as green areas.

In 2006, a pilot study was conducted to confirm and establish the presence of fishing cats in Colombo's urban wetlands. The study was conducted over a year, during which fishing cats were caught on camera, in several of these wetlands. However, the study had to be concluded due to security issues in Colombo and suburbs, as this was during the last stages of the country's civil war. In 2013, four years after the war ended, Colombo saw rapid development and many of the urban wetlands were cleared or filled with complete disregard for the importance of these habitats, and their biodiversity. It was therefore decided to reconfirm the presence of cats in the wetlands, and understand if the cats still reside within these wetlands or if they had been pushed out of these habitats due to development practices. You can read more about the project here:

See the final report on the project here:  fishing-cat-enclosure-and-rehab-center-in-sri-lanka-final-report

Pallas Cats in Russia

Big Cat Rescue donated towards an ongoing in situ research project, The Pallas Cat Study and Conservation Program, that started in 2004 in order to collect data pertaining to the true conservation status of the species. The Pallas Cat is one of the least studied wild cats in the world despite having a large habitat ranging across Russia, Mongolia and North-Western China. The habitat of this species has been decreasing over the years, meaning species numbers have dramatically declined. Biology of the species and its adaptations to different landscapes have never been studied adequately, meaning data is lacking on the current spatial distribution, migratory patterns and habitat preference.

The project started initially with interview surveys and snow-tracking research in all the main regions of Russia where the species resides. Since 2009 they have also studied Pallas cats in Kazakhstan, with the north-east region proving to be the most important habitat for the cats, as this is where the majority of the data was obtained. Since 2013, the project has moved its focus to study factors influencing Pallas Cat distribution, clarification of actual and potential threats to the species, population density estimations, pilot studies of Pallas Cat Biology and public awareness. Techniques such as GPS tracking, GIS databases, on foot tracking and the involvement of locals has contributed to the progress thus far for the data collected.  Read more about their work here:

Tanzania Lion Illumination Project

Human-animal conflict is an ever growing problem especially in ares where the habitats of humans and animals overlap. With human populations increasing, there is more pressure on wildlife to survive due to habitat loss, and livestock Bomas provide an easy meal for many predators. When predators kill the livestock, the locals retaliate by killing the predators and thus it means, in countries like Tanzania, Kenya and Nairobi, where human-animal conflict is prevalent, lion and leopard populations are dramatically declining.

Big Cat Rescue donated to the Tanzania Lion Illumination Project to aid in a solution for this ever growing problem. The Tanzania Lion Illumination Project is a small, non-profit organization that works out in Tanzania installing "Lion Lights" on to livestock Bomas in areas where they are needed, to help rural communities protect their livestock and reduce retaliatory killings. "Lion lights" are a simple and effective method that involved the installation of LED lights around the tops of livestock bomas. The flashing LED lights are solar powered and help to repel predators, by disorientating them and causing them to flee. To date the Tanzania Lion Illumination Project has installed lights on more than 70 Bomas and the result has shown a dramatic decrease in both livestock loss and retaliatory predator killings.

The Tanzania Lion Illumination Project not only funds the light systems but also trains local people and the native tribes in the installation and upkeep. By doing this they hope to be able to educate them and raise awareness about living in peace with the animals. Read more about their work here:

The Corbett Foundation

China doll the Tiger

Big Cat Rescue donated $5,000 to The Corbett Foundation, a charitable, non-profit and non-governmental organization solely committed to the conservation of wildlife. They work towards a harmonious coexistence between human beings and wildlife across some of the most important wildlife habitats in India, namely Corbett Tiger Reserve, Kanha and Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserves, Kaziranga Tiger Reserve and around the Greater Rann of Kutch.

Local Communities and wildlife share natural ecosystems and this often raises conflict, so the health and wellbeing of these communities are often directly linked to their willingness to participate in wildlife conservation efforts. The Corbett foundation has implemented its programs in over 400 villages in the last decade. One specific area the Corbett foundation is working on is the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve.

Open farm wells, dug by villagers, in the buffer zone of the Reserve, are proving to be a deathtrap for wild animals, with several cases having been reported of animals, including tigers and leopards, drowning by accidentally falling into the open wells. Currently around 2500 of these open farm wells exist, many in the core zone of the Tiger Reserve. The Corbett Foundation with the support of Exodus Travels Ltd UK, has initiated a project to install chain-link fencing around such open farm wells to prevent any further accidental drowning.  More here:  Big Cat Fences

In the first phase of the project, 200 fences have already been built around wells closest to the core of the reserve. The cost of one fence is 7500 Indian Rupees so approximately $111, meaning from the $5000 donated, between 40-45 fences can be built. You can read more about the other great work done by Corbett Foundation here: The Corbett Foundation

The Urban Caracal Project

In February 2016, BCR donated funds to assist the Urban Caracal Project. The Cape Peninsula is a biodiversity hotspot that has lost almost all of its large mammals such as cape lions, leopards and brown hyenas. Caracals as a result may play a major role in maintaining the ecosystem as they are the largest remaining predator in the area.

The Urban Caracal Project, fronted by Dr Laurel Seyries and the Cape Leopard Trust, is a project that aims to establish baseline information about the caracal population in the Cape Peninsula: population size, health of individuals, and the distribution of caracals across the Peninsula. In addition they want to evaluate the effects of urbanization on the behavior, movement patterns, diet, and genetic health of caracals and assess threats to survival of caracals in the Peninsula and potentially beyond to other parts of South Africa. This study is an essential tool to understand how urbanization may be threatening wildlife in other parts of the world affected by similar factors. Read more about the Urban Caracal Project:

See Caracals Living Free

The Black Footed Cat Working Group

In March 2016 BCR donated funds to assist the Black Footed Cat Working Group, with one of the longest running small cat projects that has been in process for over 23 years, conserving the Black Footed Cat population in South Africa. More than 60 cats have been caught and collared over 100 times and what is known today about the species has been found during this field study. The study collects data on the ecology of the species, like home range sizes, home range usage, social organisation, food habits but also mortality, longevity, dispersal and reproduction of the population.

The Black-footed Cat Working Group was formed to publish and share findings from the project and the group consists of 7 biologists and veterinarians that act as a central information source for the species. Read more about The Black Footed Cat Working Group here:

Sand Cat in Morocco

Big Cat Rescue donated $1,000 towards the first ever study on the ecology and behavior of Sand cats in Morocco, launched in 2015 by Dr Alex Sliwa and Gregory Breton, scientists from Europe. The researchers aimed to study the cats over several years to collect data, throughout the lives of individuals but also across generations. In an attempt to understand the species better the research aims to look at particular ecological aspects such as activity times, size of home range, territory, social and reproductive behaviors, prey species and different hunting methods. The method of the study is for researchers to actively search for Sand Cats. Once located, the animal are caught and sedated, to be measured and given a health check, then fitted with a radio collar. These animals will then be followed with an receiver and antenna to determine their movements.

2015 Saving Wild Places for Wild Cats

On Father’s Day (Sunday June 21, 2015) Big Cat Rescue hosted our second annual walkabout to fund conservation efforts.

We raised $6,066.63 and donated $3,000 to National Geographic's Build a Boma project and $3,066.63 to Lion Guardians.

2014 Saving Wild Places for Wild Cats

In 2014 Big Cat Rescue donated $15,000.00 to conservation programs.

$900 to Walk for Lions in Kenya (from our March for Lions event)

$7,000 to Campaign Against Canned Hunting in S. Africa (from our March for Lions event)

$1,000 to Build a Boma via Nat Geo initiative in S. Africa (from our March for Lions event)

$1,100 to Animal Defenders International

$5,000 Small Wild Cat Conservation Foundation

March For Lions Tee Shirt

1.  Saving Lions.  March 15th’s March for Lions may have just seemed like one heck of a party, but thanks to everyone who came and fundraised for the event, we were able to net $10,000 and we wanted to spend it on ways to help lions outside our gates.   The movers and shakers behind the Global March for Lions were Chris and Bev Mercer of  Any time we need the truth on what is happening in Africa regarding lions, we always turn to Chris and Bev.  They have been the leading force against lion hunting and pay to play schemes that pimp out lion cubs, only to sell them into canned hunts as easy targets.  They would never ask for help, but this event made it possible for us to contribute $7,000. to their continued efforts to ban lion hunting.  Chris said this is the equivalent of a small fortune in his world and that he will put it to good use in protecting lions.

2.  We were impressed with Nat Geo’s Cause an Uproar campaign and donated $1,000. to their project.  This will build two bomas to help protect lions from being killed for harming livestock.

3.  We have long been impressed by Animal Defenders International because they are a small organization that has been winning huge victories for animals.  What really brought them up on our radar was the amazing work they have done in the past few years to ban circus acts that use wild animals in 40 + countries.  If you saw Blackfish and thought, “big cats need a movie like that,” then you have to see Lion Ark.  We saw it and were so enamored that we sent $1,100. to help with their efforts to free all big cats from circuses.

4.  Before the March for Lions even began we sent the early money we raised, in the amount of $900. to Walking for Lions to be a major sponsor for the cycling event from Kenya to Botswana to raise awareness of the plight of lions.  So, thanks to your generosity we are raising awareness, supporting boots on the ground, giving locals a way to live with lions, rescuing lions from circuses and letting everyone know that when you pay to play with a cub, the cub is always the one who pays with his loss of life and liberty.

5.  Big Cat Rescue was recruited to offer our expertise, guidance and funding in the expansion of facilities to house jaguars who are rescued from being killed and sent to the Belize Zoo.  The zoo does not breed their cats, but cannot release the jaguars either because there are too many in the area and they get in trouble with people.

6.  Created 22 Intranet sites, which are sort of a sanctuary-in-a-box site, for other sanctuaries to use.  These came complete with every training video, training manual, chart and idea that we use to run Big Cat Rescue.  We do this for free for sanctuaries around the world that do not breed, buy, sell, trade nor allow contact w/ wild animals.

2013 Saving Wild Places for Wild Cats

In 2013 Big Cat Rescue donated $3,883.91 towards four conservation programs in the FL and in other countries on behalf of our volunteers.

snow leopard half face

$1522.91 to Panthera to save corridors for wild cats to travel safely and outfitting rangers on behalf of our volunteers.

$1000.00 to the Florida Panther Refuge to help protect the Florida Panther.

$850.00 to the Snow Leopard Trust to cover the cost of camera traps and snow leopard monitoring.

$500.00 to the Tiger Trust to protect tigers in India by providing better legal assistance and training for game wardens.

1.  Big Cat Rescue was recruited to offer our expertise and guidance in the development of a rescue center in Spain that will be broadening their focus from primates to now include big cats.  AAP Primadomus is located on more than 400 acres in Villena and currently houses a variety of primates that have been rescued from private ownership, circuses, and laboratories. They are now expanding their focus to also rescue countless lions and tigers that are in need across their country.

In an effort to prepare for this project nearly a dozen experts were invited to a symposium that focused on sharing information regarding the proper care of big cats in captivity, emergency protocol development, and enclosure design. Big Cat Rescue President Jamie Veronica and volunteer veterinarian Justin Boorstein travelled to Spain and joined experts from Italy, South Africa, France, Austria, the Netherlands and all across the United Kingdom.

Over the course of three days the team worked tirelessly to provide as much information as possible to the members of not only AAP Primadomus, but its origin center Stitching AAP. Stitching AAP is a rescue center for apes, monkeys and small exotic animals in the Netherlands that was founded more than 35 years ago.

The symposium was a huge success. Big Cat Rescue will continue to work with AAP remotely throughout the development process. We are so pleased to provide assistance to organizations that are saving big cats across the globe!

2.  Created 8 Intranet sites, which are sort of a sanctuary-in-a-box site, for other global sanctuaries to use.  These came complete with every training video, training manual, chart and idea that we use to run Big Cat Rescue.  We do this for free for sanctuaries that do not breed, buy, sell, trade nor allow contact w/ wild animals.

3.  Presented at Tigers 4 Tigers which is a coalition of all colleges that have tiger mascots who are working to save the tiger.  It was also the last place for the good friend and world famous and much beloved tiger expert Ron Tilson to make a presentation before his untimely death this year.

2012  Saving Wild Places for Wild Cats

After delivering a couple of free webinars for the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS), and hosting their first in person 2 day Workshop in 2011, Patty Finch asked if the board of GFAS could use our facilities for their meeting. We were delighted to meet the members of the board that we had not met before and were proud to show off Big Cat Rescue to all of them.  Howard Baskin presented on our fundraising streams and the history of Big Cat Rescue and I shared how we use google Apps and how we manage over 100 top notch volunteers.

2011  Saving Wild Places for Wild Cats

Big Cat Rescue funded a $5,000 GPS tracking collar program that will be monitored by researchers with the Snow Leopard Trust. Founded in 1981, the Snow Leopard Trust is the world’s leading authority on the study and protection of the endangered snow leopard. This collar will allow researchers to track a wild snow leopard in order to study its habits and territory needs.

A GPS tracking collar has been placed on one of the cubs of Khashaa, a female and mother snow leopard, within the study area. The cub, a male, is already pretty big at one and a half years old. We find this so exciting because it will help us begin to answer some of the unanswered questions about snow leopards, including information about dispersal patterns.

Big Cat Rescue has been working with WildTracks this year to provide images of our tigers’ paw prints for entry into their computer program which can determine who a cat is by their tracks when there are enough tracks submitted to use for comparison.  Learn more and see photos of the print collection at

Big Cat Rescue offered to sponsor the first ever Florida Panther Festival if they agreed not to use any live cats at their exhibits.  They did not take us up on the offer to sponsor the event, but did assure us that they would not exploit cats this way.  Our camera traps have been set in various locations to monitor wildlife populations and poachers in the area.

After delivering a couple of free webinars for the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS), Patty asked if we would host their first in person 2 day Workshop. Howard Baskin presented on our fundraising streams and the history of Big Cat Rescue, Jeff Kremer presented on donor recognition while giving the group of 20+ attendees a tour, Chris Poole spoke on social marketing and networking, Patty Ragan shared the value of hiring a coach, Kari Bagnall illustrated how to get the most out of a tabling event, Patty Finch taught grant writing, teaching your board how to be helpful and how to avoid “founder’s syndrome” and I shared how we use google Apps, how we manage over 100 top notch volunteers, why it is important to have a plan and stick to it.

Big Cat Rescue later hosted HSUS Sanctuary CEO’s for their annual retreat and gave them an inside look at how we operate.  In both the GFAS and HSUS workshops we shared our Intranet site along with all of our training documents and all of the assets to create a “sanctuary in a box.”  All of these tools are included on our website behind a $1.00 pay wall so that anyone who wishes to improve their facility has access to everything we do.   Big Cat Rescue also helped the Humane Society Legislative Fund in their work to end puppy mills because the same laws would protect cats and kittens from use in kitten mills as well.

2010 Saving Wild Places for Wild Cats

Big Cat Rescue continued working with the International Tiger Coalition, which is a group of 40+ organizations committed to saving the tiger, based upon our unique ability to address the captive issues that imperil tigers in the wild.   The goal is 10,000 tigers in the wild in 10 years.  There are less than 3,000 in the wild currently and we are losing one per day due to poaching.  We persuaded ITC to keep US tiger farming issue as part of their mission to eradicate because legalized trade puts even more pressure on wild populations.

What makes this initiative unlike all of the past programs is two fold.  40+ major conservation groups, including Big Cat Rescue, have joined forces with one common goal:  Save the tiger in the wild.  There have been other joint efforts, but none this large and never before has an entity as powerful as the World Bank been a committed partner in saving wild places for wild animals.  Big Cat Rescue sponsored the ITC booth at CITES and sponsored the attendance of the ITC Moderator, Judy Mills at the Tiger Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia.  Leonardo DiCaprio attended as well and met with Prime Minister Putin.  DiCaprio donated 1 million dollars to WWF’s fund for saving the tiger.

23 FL Panthers died in 2010 but 90 were born according to FWC.  Big Cat Rescue is stepping up our support of local initiatives to save the Florida Panther.

2009 Saving Wild Places for Wild Cats

Big Cat Rescue continued working with the International Tiger Coalition, which is a group of 39 organizations committed to saving the tiger, based upon our unique ability to address the captive issues that imperil tigers in the wild.   The goal is 10,000 tigers in the wild in 10 years.  There are less than 3,000 in the wild currently and we are losing one per day due to poaching.  We persuaded ITC to keep US tiger farming issue as part of their mission to eradicate because legalized trade puts even more pressure on wild populations.

We assisted in the rehabilitation of an orphaned baby bobcat in NC. Nina Fischesser,  Director, Blue Ridge Wildlife Institute Lees-McRae College, Banner Elk, NC had contacted us for advice in rehabbing and releasing an orphaned baby bobcat. Giving cats a second chance at living free is the best part of our day!

We began working with Dr. Wynn’s CO colleague and a Florida Wildlife Commission epidemiologist on research involving FIV in bobcats and FL panthers.  We will begin testing all road kill for FIV, as well as testing bobcats who are reported frequenting human habitation if we can safely trap and release them without too much stress to them.

2008 Saving Wild Places for Wild Cats

Big Cat Rescue was welcomed into the International Tiger Coalition, which is a group of 39 organizations committed to saving the tiger, based upon our unique ability to address the captive issues that imperil tigers in the wild.   The goal is 10,000 tigers in the wild in 10 years.  There are less than 3,000 in the wild currently and we are losing one per day due to poaching.  We persuaded ITC to keep US tiger farming issue as part of their mission to eradicate because legalized trade puts even more pressure on wild populations.

What makes this initiative unlike all of the past programs is two fold.  39 major conservation groups, including Big Cat Rescue, have joined forces with one common goal:  Save the tiger in the wild.  There have been other joint efforts, but none this large and never before has an entity as powerful as the World Bank been a committed partner in saving wild places for wild animals.

Harrison Ford, one of Hollywood’s hottest actors, thanks to his latest Indiana Jones movie breaking records in theaters, is on the board of Conservation International and spoke at the June 9th launch.  Also in attendance were our friend, the beautiful Bo Derek, who won the Wildlife Guardian Award at the Fur Ball last year, and Robert Duvall.  HSUS brought Tiger Kids to the launch and this photo is from their participation as a ITC members.  See these celebrities up close and purrsonal in the most important roles of their lives in this video we shot and find out more about how the World Bank and the International Tiger Coalition plan to save the tiger.

2007 Saving Wild Places for Wild Cats

The Jaguar Trust  Trapping is the furthest thing from our mission, except when it comes to camera traps for tracking and aiding wildlife. Our own Big Cat Rescue president Jamie Veronica went to Guyana, South America with a fellow volunteer on a mission for the sanctuary. Jamie and Justin Boorstein were in Guyana for ten days setting new digital camera traps with video to track Jaguars, Ocelots and Pumas. Our partner, Foster Parrots, tells us that with the recent import ban of all birds into Europe, Guyana now finds herself in a position to change the long practiced wildlife export industry there. Many trappers are finding that there are no markets for their “products”! Many of these trappers now find themselves unemployed and the government may start to look at the potential revenues of eco-tourism to fill the gap. If we can make a concerted effort with our conservation project we hope to serve as an example and to garner the support of Guyana to create the world’s premier rainforest destination. Our plans include the promotion of our project here in the US and a marketing strategy to heighten the visibility of this important move in Guyana.

Visitors to Guyana will have a choice of tour itineraries ranging from an ambitious 3 and 4-day Kanuku Mountains hike that will bring them to the realm of the Harpy Eagle, to more leisurely tours that will encompass sightings of Red Bellied, Scarlet, Red and Green, Blue and Yellow Macaws, Giant Anteaters and a wide variety of primates.   Horseback and canoe excursions will let tour groups experience the wilds of Guyana at an intimate level.  Visitors can also travel to Kaeiteur Falls to witness one of the world’s tallest single-drop waterfalls of 741 feet.   Construction on the first of two planned lodge complexes, located in Nappi Village, has been completed by the local tribes with funds from Foster Parrots and Big Cat Rescue. Contact to spend your vacation dollars saving the wildcats in the rainforest.

Africa  President Jamie Veronica and volunteer Barbara Stairs also toured Africa to see the issues first hand that have resulted in game parks being virtually the only lands left that house wild cats.  She will work with relatives there to check out sources for offering handmade products in our gift shop that could help preserve wildlife there as we currently do in the Jaguar Trust.  (Barbara Stairs funded this excursion)

Since 2005 Big Cat Rescue has provided both funds and volunteers to the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya.  Lewa relocates problematic wildlife to protected areas and provides education to children in the area who would not otherwise be able to read or write.  In addition to the funds that Big Cat Rescue donates, we also provide a U.S. market for Kenya ‘s craftsmen and send clothing with our volunteers to distribute when they visit.  Our volunteers take their skills and attitudes of compassion for all life into these barren regions and share a message of hope.

China, India, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia and Pakistan:  Every year since 1997 Big Cat Rescue has donated to the countries that are home to the Himalayan mountain range where the elusive snow leopard is found.  One whole corner of the gift shop explains how the sale of items made by the villagers helps save the snow leopard in the wild.  In 2006, Dr. Tom McCarthy, the Conservation Director for the Snow Leopard Trust, came to Big Cat Rescue to explain just how crucial each sale was to protect of these exquisite cats.

The snow leopard lives in regions where the average person makes the equivalent of $1.00 per day.  Most of the people who share the same highlands with the snow leopard are herders and to them, the loss of one sheep or goat can mean the difference in their survival.  Most of the snow leopards that are killed are retribution killings; meaning that the cat has been blamed for killing one of the herd and the herdsman has killed the next snow leopard he saw.  The herdsman can eat the cat and sell the hide for 25.00 which for them is a month’s wage.  There are many other middle men along the way who are anxious to get their hands on a snow leopard pelt or penis for the Asian medicinal trade or for the black market.   The pelt dramatically becomes more valuable as it goes down the line and can cost $5,000.00 or more to the final buyer.

The Snow Leopard Trust members in China, India, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia and Pakistan work closely with the local people to find out what they need.  In some cases, they can create handicrafts like those we sell and make five times what they can make from herding.

The programs are structured with reducing reliance on Snow Leopard Trust funds for each consecutive year and to remain in the program the community must ensure that no snow leopards are killed.  If anyone in the community kills a snow leopard, the entire community risks losing their right to participate in the program for a year and that is enough to keep everyone watching out for the snow leopard.  Their claims of protection must verified by the game wardens and governmental agencies who actually have incentives to discover poaching because they are often paid a portion of the confiscation if they can catch a poacher.

Big Cat Rescue is the second largest retailer for Snow Leopard Enterprises.

We collected fecal samples from our captive snow leopards for the Snow Leopard Trust to use in training dogs to be able to tell one wild snow leopard from another just by sniffing the scat left behind.  This will greatly enhance conservation efforts and is a cost effective method as well.  The video we produced is being aired on our sites, and also being used as a marketing tool for the new program and the Snow Leopard Trust.

The U.S. State Department enlisted our help in saving the critically endangered Amur Leopard because of our ability to reach so many people who care about wild cats and their habitat.

2006 Saving Wild Places for Wild Cats

When our beloved tiger, Nini, died Brian Czarnik wanted her to live on and so we sponsored a tiger in the wild in Way Kambas Park.  The money donated will help protect the tigers in this critical reserve.  We worked with the Smithsonian Institution in a project to examine the population biology of small carnivores in Gabon, West Africa and Borneo.  We hosted a party and raised more than $1000.00 to aid the campaign that would require the government to provide emergency plans for people who won’t leave their pets. This bill became law in 2006 and will protect America’s pets in times of disaster.  We also sent proceeds from our Fur Ball to Lewa Conservancy in S. Africa and invested in creating eco-tourism in Guyana, South America to protect the wild cats in that area.  At the request of the World Wildlife Fund in Poland we have provided photographs for them to use in creating a handbook for border guards to prevent the illegal trade in exotic cats and their pelts.

2005 Saving Wild Places for Wild Cats

We raised $1000.00 each for conservation programs to save the margay in Brazil, to help start an eco tourism lodge in Guyana and to assist Lewa in Africa.

See More InSitu Work Funded by Big Cat Rescue

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See InSitu work from 2018 here:

See InSitu work from 2017 here:

See InSitu work from 2016 and before here:


Don't They Miss Being Petted?

