Sheriff Lutz Big Cat Rescuers

Federal Bill to Ban Big Cats in Backyards




The Big Cat Public Safety Act would put an end to the private breeding and possession of big cats that leads to thousands of tigers, lions and other species living in miserable conditions.  These animals in houses and back yards create danger for the public and for law enforcement and animal control officers.  The bill has been endorsed by the National Association of Animal Control Officers and the Florida Association of Animal Control officers.

In February while attending the National Sheriffs’ Association conference in Washington, DC, Sheriff Lutz from Zanesville, Ohio joined our lobby team to visit legislator offices about the bill.  Zanesville is the home of the tragic “Zanesville massacre” four years ago when Terry Thompson let over 50 dangerous animals out of their cages and then committed suicide. Officers had to shoot most of the animals.  Here Sheriff Lutz poses with BCR’s and Susan Bass and Jennifer Leon at our booth at the conference.

The bill, numbered HR 3546, is steadily gaining momentum in the House of Representatives.  This is largely due to the many phone calls and email from animal lovers like you all over the country.  A “cosponsor” is a legislator who commits in advance to supporting the bill if it comes up for a vote.  The bill was introduced on a bipartisan basis by Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) and Loretta Sanchez (D-CA). We are now up to 50 cosponsors!  They are listed below.

YOU CAN HELP!  Emails, and particularly phone calls, from constituents do matter!  Please visit to learn how to contact your legislator. Phone calls are easy.  All you need to do is say you live in the district and you would like to ask the Representative to support HR 3546, the Big Cat Public Safety Act. And if your Representative is already a cosponsor, it is very helpful to call or email and thank them so they know that constituents appreciate their support. If you cannot call during the day, you can call and leave a message at night or on the weekend.

It only takes two minutes of your time to call or email and make a difference for these magnificent animals.  Please make the “Call of the Wild” today!

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