Latest from Big Cat Rescue

Clouded Leopard Cub and Mother

Clouded Leopard Cub and Mother

We are thrilled to share an update on the conservation efforts your generous donations are helping to fund. Our commitment to protecting the majestic wild cats in their natural habitats has led to significant advancements in our projects. While we cannot disclose specific locations to ensure the safety of these magnificent creatures, we’re excited to…

Cats Move To Arkansas

Cats Move To Arkansas

Why did the cats of Big Cat Rescue move to Arkansas? Big Cat Rescue entered into an agreement with Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge, an accredited sanctuary in Arkansas, to move all but one of Big Cat Rescue’s cats to Turpentine Creek where we will continue to fund their care for the rest of their lives…

Big Cat Coalition

Timeline of the Big Cat Public Safety Act The most important accomplishment by Big Cat Rescue and Howard and Carole Baskin has been the 20+ year effort to ban private ownership of big cats and end public contact with big cats and their cubs. The federal bill to achieve that was the Big Cat Public…



As of December 28, 2023 All of Big Cat Rescue’s cats have moved to Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge. Below is a detailed explanation of this strategic decision that will allow us to have MUCH more impact on the world of big cats by focusing our resources on keeping cats in the wild from going extinct….

Malaya Bobcat

Malaya Bobcat

Female Bobcat Born: approx March 1, 2021 Rescued: November 14, 2021 Returned to the wild: April 7, 2022   UPDATE ON RESCUED BOBCAT November 15, 2021 AM- UPDATE ON RESCUED BOBCAT from yesterday. Malaya Bobcat is on her way to a neurologist in Bradenton. Gale Ingham is driving her. She was brought in yesterday and…



The Great American Teach In This year (2023) Deb Quimby coordinated the Great American Teach In What is The Great American Teach In or GATI as it’s commonly known? We don’t know exactly when The Great American Teach In began, but we’ve been participating since the 1990’s. Prior to this rebranding to GATI, it would…



Female Bobcat Rescued 1/22/2022 Approx date of birth 7/2021 Date of death 1/31/2024 Became a permanent resident: May 16, 2022-deemed non releasable by Dr. Boorstein and the FWC Winter Bobcat was rescued 1/22/2022 in New Tampa after a caller reported a very skinny, disoriented, shaking, wobbling bobcat in their driveway.  Watch her rescue video below. …