Latest from Big Cat Rescue



Divinity Female Bobcat5/30/95 – 1/9/18Arrived at Big Cat Rescue 7/6/95 Divinity was sold from a fur farmer to an individual, along with an unrelated mate, Takoma, when she was only a few days old. She was bottle raised for three weeks before the new owner had a heart attack and could no longer care for…


Why does the cat have mats? Most exotic cats live to be 10-12 in the wild and in most other captive situations.  At Big Cat Rescue our average age, at time of death, is 18 and we have had some tigers, leopards, bobcats, ocelots and others live into their mid twenties.  One cat lived to…


Will Male Bobcat 7/15/07 – 12/18/17 Rescued 8/13/07 Will Bobcat Has Been Euthanized Even when you know it’s the right thing to do, it still hurts Even though Will got ten more years of doting attention by his keepers, than nature would have given him, it’s still hard to say, “good bye.” When Will was…

Mandarin Chinese White Tigers

White Tigers 白虎 All White Tigers Are Inbred and Are Not Purebred 所有的白虎都是近亲交配产生的 The ONLY way to produce a tiger or lion with a white coat is through inbreeding brother to sister or father to daughter; generation after generation after generation.  The kind of severe inbreeding that is required to produce the mutation of a…



[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Meet Teuci Bobcat He got in trouble with a chicken farmer and got a little banged up in the process of being trapped. The photo above is Teuci in a coop at the farm. Big Cat Rescue was called and decided to take him to the sanctuary for a little R & R so…

Cam Off

Why Do You Turn the Cameras Off? That’s the question I am frequently asked, but the real question should be, “why do you have LIVE web cams?”  I’ll answer both. If it were up to me there would be LIVE webcams broadcasting every aspect of what we do, 24/7, and no matter what was happening,…