Latest from Big Cat Rescue


Male Siberian Tiger DOB 8/20/95 – DOD 1/22/15 Rescued 10/21/07 Nakita is a large tiger weighing in at nearly 600 pounds at his prime. He had been raised with Simba, Joseph, and Sasha and the four shared an enclosure prior to coming to Big Cat Rescue. When the group initially arrived they remained together, but…

Alachua Bob

Alachua Bob

Alachua Bob Male Bobcat DOB 1988? – 1/11/15 Arrived at Big Cat Rescue 2/4/03 A tribute to Alachua Bob the bobcat here: If I had to be an animal, I would want to be a bobcat. They are fearless, adaptable, resilient and far stronger than you would expect from a 25-pound cat. They are being hunted…

Big Top, Big Cruelty

  Good Morning, fellow Big Cat supporters! I’d like to share with you an article I’ve written as the new Legislation Intern for Big Cat Rescue! My particular internship is a new one here and was created to further the incredibly important big cat welfare legislation we are constantly working on! Please keep your eye…

Media 2014

Big Cat Rescue has been covered favorably in the media more than 257 times in 2014 and more than 1850 times in our history! Below are the news stories from 2014. To see earlier years go to Media. 1/2/14 Tribune shows Big Cat Rescue in their list of destinations to see in 2014. 1/6/14 Bystanders were…

Cat Chat Show 68

Cat Chat Show 68

    Carole Baskin interviews David Enden and Kyle Taitt about how today’s generation can make a positive impact for wild animals before it is too late. Links from the show: Generation Awakening The Big Cat Protection and Public Safety Act        

Big Cats and Public Safety Protection HR1998 S1381

Big Cats and Public Safety Protection HR1998 S1381

Click the link below for the new bill page Below is from the 113th session of Congress. Use the link above for the current version of the bill and what you can do to help. This bill called the Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act HR 1998 and S 1381 is the most important piece…



  CANYON Male Sand Cat DOB 7/27/00 Arrived at Big Cat Rescue  10/23/00 DOD 12/5/14 It is with heavy hearts that we share the news that our beloved sandcat Canyon has died. On December 5th, volunteers reported that he seemed to be having a seizure. Jamie and Carole were immediately called to the scene where…