Latest from Big Cat Rescue


Californians for Bobcats

Californians: Stop Wildlife Crime! Good news! Assembly Bill 2179, which targets wildlife crime in California, has passed all hurdles in the state’s lower house. Now we need you to push it through the Senate. Please contact your senator today to express support for this animal-friendly legislation. AB 2179, introduced by Assembly Member

AdvoCat 2012 08

Big Cats Cool Off with Refreshing Treats   Summertime is here once again and the big cats received a very special treat to help them beat the heat. Watermelons make great enrichment toys for the cats. Their oblong shape makes them roll around unpredictably which drives the cats bonkers and once the mysterious green orb…

Memo of Law

Memo of Law

Authority of Local Governments to Prohibit or Limit the Possession of Wildlife Within Its Boundaries   I. EXCLUSIVE AUTHORITY OF FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMISSION TO REGULATE FLORIDA’S FISH AND WILDLIFE   Section 9, Art. IV, of the Florida State Constitution of 1885 vested exclusive authority to exercise all of the state’s regulatory power (except…

Indian Summer

INDIAN SUMMER Female Bobcat  DOB 1989 Arrived 10/31/96 DOD 8/9/12 Indian Summer and Shiloh had lived together for seven years and never produced kittens so when they arrived here we left them together since they had shared a cage their entire lives.  Their former owner was a cat breeder in Davie, Florida who decided that…

Lions on the Menu in Wichita Kansas

Lions on the Menu in Wichita Kansas

Chef’s Wildlife Bloodbath Isn’t an Exciting ‘Experience’   There’s offensive, there’s really offensive, and then there’s what is happening next Tuesday in Wichita, KS.   Jason Febres, who in a case of profoundly insensitive delusion calls it “the Ultimate Dining Experience event of the year,” is going to slice and dice exotic animals from around…

Definition of Animal Welfare

Definition of Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare   Animal Welfare means how an animal is coping with the conditions in which it lives. An animal is in a good state of welfare if (as indicated by scientific evidence) it is healthy, comfortable, well nourished, safe, able to express innate behaviour, and if it is not suffering from unpleasant states such…

Summer Gives Pets More Outdoor Time but also Increased Risk of Costly Injuries

No. 1 pet insurer recommends pet parents protect themselves from unexpected veterinary bills. SEATTLE (July 31, 2012) – Pets, like humans, enjoy being outdoors in the summertime. However, unlike humans, most pets don’t carry the health insurance needed to offset expensive medical bills related to outdoor injuries.   Today, leading pet insurance provider Healthy Paws…