
Zanesville Massacre 18 tigers 17 lions 3 cougars gunned down

Senator Portman

ALERT OHIO RESIDENTS ONLY   Your Senator Portman is critical to saving big cats! The bipartisan Big Cat Public Safety Act was introduced in the House of Representatives by a Republican and a Democrat working together.  It is making great progress in the House with 73 cosponsors signed on already. In order to introduce the…

gregory felzien yellowstone science

Gregory Felzien

Big Cat Protection is a Family Tradition I remember that it was at church, many years ago, when my mother handed me a copy of National Geographic.  She said it was a cousin of mine and commented on the strange coincidence that he and I both loved exotic cats so much. On the cover of…


FunFest Productions, Inc is an event production company in Michigan that had regularly brought Marcus Cook’s atrocious “White Tiger Discovery” sideshow to their music festivals and carnivals over the past few summers. The advertisements for one of their upcoming 4th of July festivals advertised the tigers as “back by popular demand”, so Big Cat Rescuers emailed…

Wisconsin Big Cats

Wisconsin Big Cats

The state of Wisconsin is one of just five US states that currently has no regulations pertaining to the private ownership of exotic animals. Anyone can legally own, breed, buy, and sell big cats without having to register the animals with the state, which means that it is often easier for a Wisconsin resident to…


  “Effective immediately, Delta Airlines will officially ban shipment of all lion, leopard, elephant, rhinoceros and buffalo trophies worldwide as freight.” VICTORY!! Big Cat Rescue asked you to let Delta Airlines know that animal lovers do not want international airlines to continue to transport exotic animal trophies such as Cecil. More than 5,000 of you…

Big Top, Big Cruelty

  Good Morning, fellow Big Cat supporters! I’d like to share with you an article I’ve written as the new Legislation Intern for Big Cat Rescue! My particular internship is a new one here and was created to further the incredibly important big cat welfare legislation we are constantly working on! Please keep your eye…