

New York JnK Tiger Rescue

Donate to big catsDejaVu is all I can say. It happens over and over, like a recurring nightmare for the wild animals suffering through it; only the names and places change.

Someone wants to “rescue” wild animals because that seems like glamorous work, so they buy animals (and just prolong the problem) until the really bad guys find out there is a new place to dump last year’s photo cubs, and then the “rescues” become more legitimate, in the eyes of the “rescuer” because at least they aren’t paying for animals any more. Usually the big cats who need rescuing are the cubs who just outgrew the ridiculous 8-12 week window, in which USDA condones the use of cubs for photo and pay to play sessions. All it takes to fix this mess is for USDA to acknowledge that it is a violation of the Animal Welfare Act to take cubs from their mothers for this inhumane, unethical, albeit lucrative exploitation… But I digress.

Five years go by, and citations pile up for not providing sufficient shelter, not having an attending vet, not willing to provide documentation of where the cats came from or went and having a perimeter fence that was only 2 feet above the 6 feet of snow.  This article from 2009 detailed the illegal purchase of a leopard that resulted in seizure and a fine, as well as a number of other violations, and yet the media treated it like a puff piece.

So, every few weeks more litters of lions, tigers, primates and bears are bred, used and discarded into these pseudo sanctuaries. But then the animals grow up into 500 pound apex predators who require thousands of dollars in food & vet care each year and before you know it, the “sanctuaries” have collapsed under the collective weight and debt. Then other sanctuaries, of varying financial stability, are called in to clean up the mess; but most of those are not in much better shape than the facilities they are being asked to bail out.

Big cats are bounced around from breeder, to photo booth operator, to the public as pets, who then dump them into the hands of backyard hoarders, who collapse and then the bigger sanctuaries come and move them to their fourth or fifth home, where they may stay until they die, but even then will sometimes end up in yet another rescue situation when the bigger places fail as well.

The second worst part of all of this is that the animals suffer from the time they are only a few hours or days old, when they are ripped from their mothers and thrust into this dismal cycle, and begin the years of suffering as the legal processes wind through the courts.

The worst part of this scenario is that it would be so easily avoided by a ban on public contact with cubs.  Help do that here:

That’s what happened at JnK’s Call of the Wild.

In 1997 Ken and Jackie Wisniewski started “rescuing” big cats, bears, wolves and a variety of other wild and domestic animals. Before long they were in over their heads. Feeding the animals wasn’t a problem because there is a lot of roadkill in Sinclairville, NY. We counted half a dozen dead deer, a duck and raccoon, in just two days visiting this sleepy little town. Maybe the locals drive too fast, or maybe it is all of the grape vineyards and farms that attract so much native wildlife.

The problem was that the rotting carcasses were just left to fester, along with the piling excrement, in the tiny, barren cages. The lions and tigers, who are the most fastidious creatures on earth, were forced to live in these abysmal, fly infested conditions while USDA went through the tedious process of citing the facility year, after year, after year with no improvements.

Finally after many years of failing to to provide vet care or clean and safe caging, USDA revoked the license, which is a multi year task. The state of NY had previously banned the private possession of big cats, bears and wolves, but in all but 4 states (KY, OH, WA & WV) a person could circumvent the ban if they held a USDA license.

Now JnK had lost their USDA license and the animals could have been seized years ago, but as is often the case, the violator will just have a family member or friend get a USDA license issued in their name and then the whole process starts over. When Ken and Jackie Wisniewski lost their USDA license, they just had their daughter, Kristy Wisniewski, get one in her name. It’s easy: a one page form, name, address and phone and $40 and you can get around any ban, just about anywhere.

So, the long legal battles had to start over again until the daughter had a falling out with her mother and decided not to renew her USDA license. What usually happens is that there would now be no government agency checking in on the animals and conditions. These kinds of places would then enjoy the luxury of doing as they please with no one looking over their shoulder, and that would always lead to worse conditions for the animals.

By this time Terry Thompson in Zanesville, OH had set free 56 lions, tigers and bears in 2011 and state agencies woke up to the fact that it could happen in their states too. The NY state attorney’s office decided to send a message to all of the backyard breeders, dealers and pseudo sanctuaries that they would no longer turn a blind eye to the danger that these facilities pose to the public and launched the biggest seizure of wild animals in New York’s history.

USDA contacted the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries and asked if they could place the JnK animals. GFAS made arrangements for all of the animals to be rescued, but then Jackie Wisniewski decided that she didn’t want to give them up and would wait and see if the NY Department of Environmental Conservation really would take action, or if they would, like they do in most places, just ignore the situation until someone was mauled or killed.  

On May 27, 2014 at 7:30 am Jackie Wisniewski found out the state of NY wasn’t bluffing.

IFAW logoWhat she couldn’t know, and we couldn’t tell you, is that the International Fund for Animal Welfare, IFAW, had taken the lead and arranged for the 11 tigers, 3 lions, 3 bears, and 2 wolves to be picked up and transported to Big Cat Rescue in FL via Loving Friends, Safe Haven Wildlife Rescue Zoo in NV, Wild Animal Sanctuary in CO, In-Sync Exotics in TX, the Exotic Feline Rescue Center in IN, and Animal Lifeline would transport the wolves to a facility in PA.  On July 3rd IFAW reimbursed the transport costs of $4,409.03 for Big Cat Rescue.

We couldn’t let the cat out of the bag until after the last animal was rescued from the site for fear of starting a media circus that could propel the owner into doing something dangerous to the animals or the rescue crews. We know that most people who will donate to help big cats want to fund a rescue, but once the cats are safe, they are off to the next exciting rescue.

We hope that you are different.

We went out on a limb because these cats were literally starving to death, and one tiger, Sasha, had died before we even arrived. (We had agreed to take four tigers, but when we got there Sasha was no longer alive and no one seemed to know anything about why or when she died.  Some said she was alive last summer, others said she was still alive in Feb of this year and others said she had been dead for years)  We had to give up the chance to involve everyone in the excitement of a rescue because these cats depended on us keeping quiet so the owner wouldn’t do anything foolish. We were able to load our tigers by 1PM on Tues. May 27, 2014 but had to maintain silent mode until all of the animals were safely on their way to other rescue sites.

What we saw during the rescue was unimaginable suffering and conditions that clearly threatened everyone in the area. No agency had been able to inspect the animals since December 2013 (nearly 6 months ago) and at that time they said the cats were well fed, but that the rotting carcasses, piles of feces and ramshackle cages were reason enough to seize the animals.  “Well fed” appears to be a judgement call because the 2009 video of the tigers showed them to to be far too thin 5 years ago, in our opinion.  JnK had a pile of citations for not allowing inspectors onto the property, but in many cases those are considered by the bad guys to be far less incriminating than actually answering the gate and letting inspectors see what they are doing.


The cats were starving to death!

Their ragged fur, which was missing in places from laying in their own excrement, was stretched taut over protruding bones. Kimba the tigress, (born 8/94) seemed to have just given up and laid, unresponsive, in her den. Former volunteers there said she had been bred to Zeus for 4-6 litters of cubs in her life) It wasn’t until she saw that there was the promise of food, in exchange for pulling her aching body up into the transport wagon, that she came to life. Big Cat Rescue President, Jamie Boorstein, had locked Kimba in her den so that we could push the wagon up to the rickety door. As soon as she was released and given the scent of beef on a stick, she followed it right into the foreign transport box without much hesitation.

Zeus the tiger, (born 9/96 to Kimba) has limited vision and it looks like his retina may be separated in his eye, which can be extremely painful. Other tigers there had the same strange looking eyes, where the golden part of the iris has almost completely covered over the lens.  As soon as Zeus saw food, he RAN down the length of his cage, chasing Big Cat Rescue’s Operations Manager, Gale Ingham, who was racing  (outside the cage) toward the beast wagon that had been affixed to a hole that was cut into the side of his cage. Zeus was the largest tiger and the hole wasn’t really big enough, but metal piping made it impossible to make the hole any larger. Zeus didn’t care. He wanted that life giving morsel of food so bad that he squeezed, like liquid tiger, through the opening into the circus wagon. Jamie dropped the door and Zeus was on his way to a life of luxury that he couldn’t possibly imagine.


The cages were rotted to the point of falling apart. Rusty screws held ragged sheets of plywood together for the dens and doors. If the tigers had any strength left in them, they could have burst through. This made for some tense moments, especially when it came to loading Keisha the tigress. (born 5/00 to Kimba and Zeus)

Apparently, the way cats had been fed, back when they were being fed, was they were locked out of their dens, the food tossed into the dens via a back door, and then they were let back into the den.

The part that has to be explained here is that the dens were made of crumbling plywood. Citations went back to 2012 for these unsafe conditions.  The doors had deteriorated over time to the point where a makeshift system was rigged to keep the tigers from just pushing the doors out of their rotted frames. It was made of curtain hooks that were shaped in a semicircle and screwed with tiny, and now rusted screws; one on either side of the door opening. Then 2 pipes were passed through the hooks to hold the doors shut. Jamie took a handful of the material and it turned to shards and dust in her hand.

The first attempt at capturing Keisha was to shut her in the den, then hook up the transport to a hole that was hastily cut into the side of her prison cell. With the other cats, Rescuers had been able to shut them out of their dens and lead them into the wagons, but Keisha still had life enough left in her to be frantic to eat, so as soon as her den door shut her out into the yard, she began clawing frantically to get back into the den where she thought the food would be. When a cat is focused on something, there isn’t much you can do to get their attention. Gale was waving the chicken and beef chunks on a stick and trying to get Keisha to forget about getting back into the den for food. It wasn’t working.

The area where Rescuers were working was so tight that the rope holding the transport door open had to be threaded into a vacant, nearby cage and operated from there by Big Cat Rescue’s CEO and Founder, Carole Baskin.  Jamie decided to pull the den door open and hold it open so that Keisha could see for herself that there wasn’t any food in there, but Keisha was afraid to climb into the hay filled beast wagon and sensed it was a trap.

In typical cat style, she would stretch her neck and one paw as far toward the juicy meat as she could, without committing her back legs. Gale let her come in and get a piece or two, to see that nothing would happen, and on the third offering Keisha was emboldened to climb all the way in.


Keisha only has half an ear and a little bobbed tail. We think she lost them to the lions next door.

All over this compound the bears and big cats shared common walls of a material never witnessed by Big Cat Rescuers for housing big cats. The openings in the metal cattle panels were 8 inches wide and 6 inches high. It is incomprehensible that no human ever lost their life or limbs working so close to such dangerous wild animals, with nothing to prevent the animals from reaching the full length of their arms out to grab the passerby.

In the 2009 video above Jackie Wisniewski reaches her arm, all the way up to her armpit, to pet the cats and talks about how her staff and volunteers have to earn the cat’s trust to pet them this way, but then admits that the cats are always looking for a way to pull you into the cage.

In some places a new barricade fence had been erected (where previously there had been none) and it was so tight against the cage that there was NO safe way to walk around the enclosure. All of the animals had shared walls which must have led to some intensive fights and quite possibly the deaths of animals along the way. No one seemed to know exactly when or how Sacha the tigress had died.

The only cage to have a double wall (one with a space of about 3 feet between the walls) was the one between Keisha and 2 lionesses. Keisha and the lionesses both had common walls with Zeus, but it would appear that after Keisha lost her ear and tail, someone finally installed a double wall between the lions and Keisha. That one small measure has probably saved her life, but her tail healed in such a scarred and unusual way that it’s doubtful she had a vet attend to her wounds.  In the video you can see that her tail was missing as far back as 2009.

As each of the cats were loaded into their transport wagons they were rolled up into Loving Friend’s transport vehicle where they probably experienced air conditioning for the first time ever. Even though they loaded quite easily, they were all stressed out by the move and the chaos of the day, so the lower temp helped take some of the edge off. Within minutes Kimba was sound asleep in the deep, soft hay.

If anyone wouldn’t survive this trip, it would be Kimba. She just had so little spirit left in her. I checked on her several times to be sure she was still breathing, and seemed blissfully asleep.  Update:  17 Days later we had to euthanize Kimba because she could not recover from the ailments brought on by being kept in such filth and starved.  More here:

Zeus gulped down water before laying down in his big fluffy hay bed. These cats, like so many others across the country, were kept on rocks. There was no place for them to feel the soft earth, nor roll in the grass, nor enjoy the shade of trees or bushes. The only shade, or escape from the sharp edged rocks, was in their smelly dens and on a small table in each cage, but these cats didn’t look fit to jump up onto them. Zeus had been a big and powerful male tiger at some point in his life, but now you could see the remains of his wasted muscles and protrusion of his ribs and hips.

Big Cat Rescuers loaded tigers for 2 hours and the officer in charge commented that we worked together like a well oiled machine. Despite the rush to load the tigers and move out of the way for the next rescue group, there were some heart breaking moments. The worst for cat lovers was the owner said her cat had died, so she had thrown the cat into the cage that housed the 4 youngest tigers, who appear to have been born at JnK in 2004 and were probably considered favorites.

As hungry as those tigers must have been; something must have registered in their heads that this was just too awful to consider. Time may have finally caused them to overcome their disgust at being fed another cat, had they not been rescued today, so the bloated body of the domestic cat laid there in a haze of flies.

As soon as the tigers were all loaded and their transport cages were strapped down for the 22 hour trip, Big Cat Rescuers and JT and Laura Taylor of Loving Friends were on their way back to Tampa.

The cost of the transport and rescue was approximately $7,000, but that is just the beginning. Getting these tigers back on the road to health will mean vet care, and specialists for the eyes. It means a lot of high quality food, vitamins, joint supplements and probably a good deal of pain management. Just one healthy tiger costs Big Cat Rescue $10,000 per year, just for food and vet care and these neglected tigers will need much more intensive care. Even though they are safe and will never go hungry again, it is only because people like you will open your hearts to these precious creatures. Please let them know that you are there for them, for now and forever, with a monthly gift of whatever you can afford.

Please donate here:

You can make a one time gift or the much more needed monthly gift at that link.

See the photos here.  Video to come.

IFAW Footage of the Rescue in Five Parts

Big Cat Rescue was not allowed to film during the rescue, so what footage we did manage to get was from cell phones in pockets.  Below is footage that looks much better than ours and details the rescue from JnK.







Photos of Tigers Arriving at Big Cat Rescue


Kimba Tiger Starving On Arrival





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  1. This brought tears to my eyes. I've known kimba and Zeus and the owners of Jnks for years. I was there when Zeus was born. I am so sad to hear of the deterioration of the facility and ability to care for the animals. It mad me so sad to hear of kimbas suffering in particular. Thank you for helping them.

  2. the real culprit here is the USDA, I think. They could have solved this and many other problems like this so easily. How can you just issue a licence to somebody and let them keep exotic animals without any kind of checks and oversight? shame on the government agencies to let these things go on.

  3. HOW could anybody try and feed their DEAD HOUSE CAT to a WILD CAT. I can't even wrap my brain around that. I can't understand how you could (a) discard your pet in such a heartless way and (b) think that feeding cat to cats was okay in ANY way shape or form.

  4. We almost got to hold Zeus when he was cub, remember a certain person was about to let us and they he got in trouble. Still bummed about that. But this whole thing makes me so sad.

  5. I have to comment only on the People who had the power to do save these beautiful animals….God Blessed you with the courage to do the right thing and instead of second guessing your calling, you followed your calling and saved his beautiful, in dire need, creatures. Amen!!!!! You're ALL one of a kind >..<

  6. We Have Wonderful pics Of All The Animals From Years Ago When We Were Volunteers. Glad They Will Have Great Care Now.

  7. Thank you, Big Cat Rescue. There aren't enough words to express my sincere gratitude for what you do.

  8. Thank you to all who were involved..knew these cats were living in such deplorable conditions and am grateful they are getting a chance..rode my horses past there last year and now realize why they disnt come through the plywood walls at us bc they were too weak to do so. I do remember seei ng cats everywhere and pigeons in a trailer and figured thats what they used for food. Thank you again for giving these cats a new life!

  9. Yep. Following the lead of the US shelters for homeless pets which are more like slaughterhouses killing 10,000 animals a day of all ages, whether a few days, weeks or months old. The majority don't make it out alive – some are killed by gassing which has been declared to be inhumane. Horrifically, some get sold on by the shelters for laboratory testing.

    Many of the lion farming canned lion hunting outfits in SA call themselves rescues and sanctuaries when they are actually more like nazi death camps. Many of them don't even feed the animals properly, so we are seeing pictures of lions who once their life of prostitution being petted by tourists is over at only four months old, and walking at about a year old, they are of no use other than as canned hunting fodder.

  10. hooray for big cat rescue….so glad you rescued sad to read how they were being treated..they will be happy now

  11. The USDA needs to get their act together and ban the sale and ownership of cats of ANY age (and any other wild animal for that matter)

  12. Kat, if they let you hold the cubs they were probably a illicit business, using baby animals and letting people takes pix with them.. It's cute when their small, but often get abused/mistreated as an adult.

  13. Am surprised the Lions were able to get a couple licks on one of the Tigers.. A Tiger can usually kill a Lion, EASILY. .

  14. It's sad that these cats are so old and in such bad shape. It made me cry just reading this. Cats like Shere Khan are so lucky to be placed at places like BCR so early in life. Shame on NY and the owners for letting these animals suffer for so long. I don't know how you could sleep at night or live with yourself knowing that you were causing so much pain and suffering to innocent animals. It's heartbreaking.

  15. There definitely isn't only one "real culprit". USDA yes, without question, is one of the "real culprits". Their whole exotic animal operation is a joke. There's not enough investigators to do the job, but they do nothing about it. They can't possibly keep up with all the citations they issue, or the removal of licences, to make sure that people don't simply get relatives to get a license.

    But the owners are to blame as well. I know it's expensive, but it does past to that philosophy of "if you can't afford it, don't get it". There is no excuse. It doesn't even sound like this place was designed well for thought towards the future; but it's hard to know without having actually seen the site.

    People who pay to hold/pet/take photos with the cubs are also to blame for encouraging the market to continue. Supply and demand – people keep wanting these "services", and "bad men" are going to keep supplying, and the animals will continue to suffer going to either straight up death when they grow up, or some shoddy "sanctuary"…only if they get REALLY lucky will they end up at someplace like BCR or a zoo, but even then, it seems like only the "really in need" animals can make it to such a wonderful place…Places like BCR know their limits and can't rescue everything.

    I really hope these three recover and aren't going into organ failure as we speak =( Thank you for posting this article – I had been wondering how the rescue went down, and am sad to hear that Sacha didn't make it, but hope the other three will be okay.

  16. A few days ago when I first heard of this, I was mad that JnK was being talked about badly. But now I apologize for posting a rude comment to Big Cat Rescue. Thank You For Saving these beautiful animals from a awful life.

  17. That was so sad to read about Keisha's tail and ear, and how she was willing to feed her dead cat to them! Just broke my heart, I can't imagine feeding one of my fur babies to another animal. Dead or not. I'm so glad you guys rescued them! I look forward to watching their improvement. <3

  18. I know. I can't even… It's just horrendous. I'm so glad these guys are out of there. So sad that BCR couldn't get there in time to also save Sacha.

  19. According to volunteers, Sasha was alive last summer. In Feb 2014 the owner said Sasha was alive and we offered to take her, Zeus, Kimba and Keisha, but at the last minute we were told that she had died, but no one could say how or when.

  20. Kat Horschel Some people are saying that Zeus was the son of Kimba Tiger and Bigfoot Lion, but he doesn't look like a Liger. Do you know anything about his lineage?

  21. Really Ashley. I've always heard different. I didn't know tigers could kill lions. I thought it was the opposite.

  22. I didnt know much about jnk until I rode my horses past, saw the conditions and the thin tigers…I almost called someone myself that day. Im sure they meant well at one time but its too bad it came to this…

  23. Carole Baskin 😮 i wonder if Sasha really died? it seems odd there was no explaination (and explaination of what they did with her body considering where the housecat body was…) if she is alive she cant be saved if everyone thinks she's dead 🙁

  24. Carole Baskin I only what you typed above. That's what the family told us. I am no expert.

  25. Thank God for the rescue of these beautiful animals. Why oh why are people allowed to keep wild animals I will never know. Its very cruel and very wrong. Sad for the one that died (it should never have happened). As for the poor cat that had died and was given to the tigers to eat, well just shows the mentality of the idiotic person who did this. Prosecute him/her for goodness sake.

  26. I cannot remember the year that me and a friend went to Sinclairville to visit JNK. We live in Jamestown Ny which isnt very far. I fell in love with a Tiger named Rosco. I even got to go in the cage with him..which i thought was very strange. But enjoyed the expierience. I hope he made it ok. Also during that time i witnessed a white tiger named Magik. He had just gotten back from having some teeth pulled and was very groggy. He allowed me to pet him on the nose. I just want to THANK YOU BIG CAT RESCUE for rescuing all these beautiful animals. I know they all will be taken care of and loved! You are all AWESOME!

  27. We reported this place to another cat rescue in NC in person 3 years ago in person. we knew from first hand experience. So sad that animals have to wait so long because of human laws.

  28. How do people do this to animals??? This is so sad and I am so glad you got the 3 out of there. My heart breaks for those poor caged babies. Hope they get healthy at your place!!!

  29. Snow Wood I'm pretty sure she is dead. There was some confusion between reports of a tiger named Sasha and Sacha, which I thought was a typo. The USDA agent said Sasha died a long time ago, but some volunteers who were at JnK in the summer of 2013 said she was alive and one of their favorites because she was so ferocious. In Feb of 2014 there was a Sasha on the list of tigers in need of rescue; so who knows? If they were going to try and hide a cat, the consensus is that it would not have been her.

  30. There are a lot of " rescues " who are nothing more that hell holes. There is one near me that poses as a rescue but is in fact a breeder. Like the world needs more big cats living in cages.
    I just hope that all of these rescues were checked out thoroughly or these cats could be going from bad to worse. I see it everyday in dog and cat rescue.

  31. In this time when both human and animal rights have been hard fought, we should really be beyond the exploitation of these beautiful, exotic, wild creatures. There is no reason that the government should perpetuate the potential dangers to both animal and human by allowing these animals to be used and abused by those that are greedy or ignorant. As the great Maya Angelou once said "Do the best you can until you know better then do better." Should we be doing better by now?

  32. The real culprit is the farm lobby, which jealously guards farmers' rights to treat domestic animals in any way they wish (to protect their "rights") and consequently, they work diligently against any legislation that would limit ownership and treatment of any animal, whether it is a food animal, pets, or wild animals. Think of the NRA and you will have some idea of their clout.

  33. I'm so disgusted reading the details about how these animals were treated by their previous "rescuers." Those jerks should be ashamed of themselves. To allow these animals to live in such horrible conditions is subhuman, and I'm so glad your organization stepped in. Thank you for all you do for these beautiful creatures. You are true angels on earth, and I'm sure the animals you help would agree.

  34. Rebekah Rose Frost Why didn't you call anyone? I'm sorry but I feel as a vet you had a greater responsibility to do so. I am an RN and I feel I have a greater responsibility to report medical neglect when I see it. I just wish people would get involved more even if it is a simple 5 minute phone call.

  35. I admire your great work. Your sanctuary is a paradise for all those cats. You have so much love for them. I often talk about you on my facebook page. Many thanks for all you do and thank all your donors, all those people who help you. I am often very moved when I see your rescue. Big hugs to you all and big kiss on the nose of your feline. lolllll (translation)

    J'admire votre travail exceptionnel. Votre sanctuaire est un vrai paradis pour tous ces félins. Vous avez tellement d'amour pour eux. Je parle souvent de vous sur ma page facebook. Mille mercis pour tout ce que vous faites et je remercie également tous vos donateurs, toutes ces personnes qui vous aident. je suis souvent très émue quand je vois vos sauvetages. Gros bisous pour vous tous et gros bisous sur le nez de vos félins. lolllll (traduction)

  36. Well, the video makes it look like they are so loved and taken care of…what a crock!

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