Latest from Big Cat Rescue

March for Lions

March for Lions

Tampa March for Lions is a Roaring Success   The Tampa March for Lions may have just seemed like one heck of a party, but thanks to everyone who came and fundraised for the event, we were able to net $10,000 and we wanted to spend it on ways to help lions outside our gates….

Gatos Híbridos

Gatos Híbridos

¿Qué pasa con los felinos híbridos ? Permitir la posesión privada de felinos salvajes / felinos domesticados híbridos es como comenzar una guerra nuclear en contra del problema de los gatos callejeros. Recibimos e-mails todos los días, preguntándonos que pensamos de los híbridos como mascotas. Los híbridos en cuestión son generalmente Felinos de Bengala (gato…

Cat Chat 46

Karen Lynch, author of the spy thriller, Game of Lies and many children’s stories and books joins Carole Baskin on Cat Chat.  You will be inspired by this cat loving woman who shares Finn McCool’s message that good things happen to those who do good. Audio File Playlist of Cat Chat Show videos Find the…

El Caracal

    El nombre del Caracal se deriva de una palabra turca “ka -ra- ku- Lak”, que significa “oreja negra . ” El Caracal fue alguna vez domesticado y entrenado para la caza de aves en Irán y la India. Los ponían en arenas que contienen una bandada de palomas , y las apuestas se…



NYLA Female Leopard DOB 6/6/94 Rescued 8/4/94 DOD 3/16/14 Nyla came to Big Cat Rescue with her brother, Simba, on 8/4/94. She was a product of the entertainment industry, which only wants perfect looking models.  Because she was cross eyed, she was unwanted. She gets very jealous if her brother Simba is getting any attention…

Media 2013

Big Cat Rescue has been covered favorably in the media more than 1000 times! Below are the news stories from 2013. To see earlier years go to Media. 12/30/13 – The Daily Reville includes Big Cat Rescue in the ten things to do in Tampa other than the football game. 12/30/13 Controversial crossbreeding…