Big Cat Care Book Cover

Cat Care

Big Cat Care


Big Cat Care Book CoverBig Cat Rescue has evolved since its inception in 1992. By 1997 we had seen enough of the abuse and abandonment caused by the pet trade that we had previously engaged in to know that there was no reason to breed exotic animals for lives in cages. As a result we increased our efforts through spaying, neutering and cage building to ensure that we would no longer be a part of the problem. As we have continued to learn about the causes of so much suffering we have become active in stopping the exotic pet trade through education and legislation. More HERE.


The following is provided for those running a sanctuary who want to learn from our experience, or for those who have already made the mistake of supporting the pet trade so that the animal in your care does not suffer even more after being ripped from his mother. With more than 30 years experience, with every sort of exotic cat, I can assure you that there is nothing you can do to raise up an exotic cat to be a house pet.  It just isn’t possible.  No matter how young you neuter or spay the cats, both male and female, ALWAYS spray when they become adults.  The suggestions below are for those who are starting sanctuaries so that you don’t become another one of the 98% who kill their exotic animals in the first two years due to a lack of knowledge.

Buy the book, Big Cat Care – How to Start a Sanctuary by Carole Baskin in iTunes and on Amazon


How to Rescue a Big Cat


Bobcat BabyCaging











Restraining and Restraint Part 2



Kittens and Cubs


Feeding Cubs


Tube Feeding




Parasites and Fleas





Standard Operating Procedures





Hazard Communication Program

Master Plan


Sanctuary Standards

Exotic Cat Standards


Keeper Training



Animal Contact

Animal Health

Basic Husbandry

Cat-A-Tats or Big Cat Cages





Feed Cats

Hurricane Preparedness

Hygiene and Pests

Job Requirements

Operant Conditioning




Rules & Safety


Volunteer Management


Governance Policies


Anti Harassment

Board Governance

Bylaws and Articles

CEO Performance

CEO Reports to Board

Code of Honor

Conflict of Interest

Disaster Plan

Document Retention & Destruction

IRS Determination Letter

Master Plan

Non Discrimination


Whistleblower Protection


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  1. I am learning so much information regarding the care for captive cats simply through this website. I currently work at a sanctuary with rescued lynx and I truly appreciate having this information available to share with our staff. Providing an enriched life for the lynx in our care is so incredibly important to me; thank you for being a wonderful resource!

  2. Hi I'm Hailey.i'm not the one in the picture. I'm her dauter.i'm 10 years old.i'm doing a project on your charity.and heres some questions.''what is your goal?

    1. Our goal is to put ourselves out of business. There shouldn't be a need for a place to rescue big cats from abuse because there shouldn't be big cat abuse in this country. We are working on a federal ban on the private possession of big cats and that will end the problem. Just go to to help.

  3. There are some private owners that do pet their big cats. I saw a youtube video of someone who lets a cougar into his house. I even saw a 16 year old kid who slept with a tiger cub in her bedroom. I also saw a website and youtube video of a guy in Washington state who owns 5 cougars, a Chaus, and 2 bobcats.

  4. My 7 yo would like the book..she wants to start a sanctuary. It cannot be found on iTunes or amazon……may I order a copy directly from you for her?

  5. Im from the Bahamas with hopes to build up an ocelot sanctuary. My goals to help revive their population. Buying the book as we speak

  6. This is wonderful. There are those who have the heart, means and ability to start a sanctuary, now they can learn from the best.

  7. I’m unable to find the book anywhere. Is it still available in print form or only in the hard to read online book form? I would love to get a printed copy of the book but don’t know where to find it. It’s not on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Ideas?

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